(And in this photograph I have a lovely shot of some mommy's backside. She'd be thrilled to know it's posted for the entire universe to see.)
So, why was I at the new Super, Mega, Ultra McDonald's, you ask? Well, I made a new friend today.

Shannon from Rocks in My Dryer! Turns out, we're sorta neighbors. How cool is that?! And what a time we had. Between chasing toddlers we got to know each other outside of Blogland. What a sweet lady.
I'll admit, I was a little nervous. I didn't sleep well last night. I thought, "What if we don't hit it off? What if our children hate each other? What if there's no 'click'?" Well, that and I drank a Pepsi at 9:00 p.m. so I had a good caffeine buzz going. I needn't have worried. The kids got along great and once I found out she has a Hairbow Fettish, too, I knew she could be trusted. It was like chatting with an old friend.
Not only that, but a cold front has moved through tonight, giving us respite from the blazing heat.
All in all, I'd say it's been a pretty great day.
Color me McHappy.
Great post...great day! Looking forward to the next one.
I just tagged you over at my blog. Not sure if you're much of a meme-er, but this one is kind of fun--
You guys are too cute!
So where is the cool, ultra, mega new mcDonalds. I have a couple business lunches to plan...
And both of you are indeed 'too cute', even if lit-lover has mistaken you both for guys.
Oh how FUN!
That is a rockin' McDonalds, I want to go there. I'd take kids so it looked like I belonged, don't worry. We don't have any MackyD's that even comes close to that, I am jealous.
Looks so fun! I never heard of a MCDonalds like that :) And we got a cold(er) front too yay :) xoxo melzie
Sorry I missed the meet! I really wanted to tag along and crash the party. Next time!
Shannon is great, isn't she? I swear she can make anyone feel at ease. She just that nice.
Supermom, WHAT a small world...get this: Shannon's son, P, was in my M's pre-K class last year and are friends, so Shannon and I know each other too!!! Since I'm not a stay-home mom during the school year, hubby has gotten to visit with her more than I have, but we just saw them at a b'day party this morning...how cool is that?? When I popped in to check your site for more cute pics of you and yours, I was so excited to see the neat way the two of you met! SOO fun....everything happens for a reason! Enjoy that new friendship! Someday, I'll get a life too. ;) Rylee
How fun to find you're neighbors with a fellow favorite blogger.
And y'all definately had a better McD's experience than we did! lol. We were not lovin' it. Check it out:
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