Then along came my beautiful children...
However, I am trying to fit reading back into my schedule. I just got a copy of a new book called Arms of Deliverance by Tricia Goyer. (Go here to read the first chapter!) This is the summary from the back cover:
"Katrine, a Czech Jew, is so successful in her attempt to passas an Aryan that she finds herself dating a Nazi officer. Having convinced him of her genetic purity, the officer sends her to stay at a Lebensborn home - A Nazi breeding program in which children are raised and indoctrinated by the state.
Meanwhile, rival American reporters Lee and Mary land assignments on the frontlines of war-torn Europe --Lee joins troops sailing for Normandy, while Mary's destiny lies in the cramped quarters of a B-17 bearing down on Berlin. Before the presses roll, their lives will be indelibly marked by a caring American navigator, brave French resistors, and a maniacal Nazi officer. Arms of Deliverance is a story of unexpected redemption."
I may be making myself look stupid here, but I didn't even know there was such a thing as a Nazi breeding program. That alone interests me. And I think the artwork on the cover is gorgeous.
There I go...judging a book by its' cover.
So, what are you reading?
Glad you asked - Acts of Faith. Not Christian fiction but interesting about the war in Sudan in the 1990's. Good read.
Cute baby doing that meme!
That sounds good and sad. Now that I have finished my last book on my instructed reading list, I am going to pick back up with "Your God is Too Safe" and "The Holy Wild" by Mark Buchanan. I am looking forward to finally getting to read them.
I just read blogs. I only read if I have to. I bet I will have to this fall (Comp. II).
Just found your site from a link on someone else's (can't remember who!!)...reading Taking Care of The Me in Mommy by Lisa Whelchel. Awesome tips on nuturing a mom's relationship with Jesus. Good stuff!
I TOTALLY judge books by thier cover. Especailly kids books. If the art work sucks, I don't check it out.
Happy reading. Sounds like an intriguing.
I just started At Home In Mitford, I think I am on page 9. A couple of weeks ago I read The Scarlet Thread, by Francine Rivers. I read it in 2 days. It is a great book.
Beautiful cover! I'm like you, I am really drawn to a book with great artwork. I, too, don't read as much as I did. Well, I take that back. I spend way too much time reading BLOGS. I need to walk away and pick up a book!
I am trying to finish the second book in the Mitford series. I really like it, but it's taking me way too long to finish.
Maybe we should all follow Michelle's example - turn off the TV and READ A BOOK! :)
I'm reading "Arthur", the third book in the "Pendragon Cycle" by Stephen Lawhead. Yeah, it's the whole King Arthur thing, but written with an amazingly fresh perspective and historical accuracy (it's still fiction but just put in the era when the closest thing to a historical King Arthur existed). I know this isn't everyone's type of read, but if you like this stuff with powerful Christian themes, read Stephen Lawhead's take on the tale.
I'm working my way through the first book in Marilyn Howshall's Wisdom's Way of Learning series, I'm over halfway through "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining and Bad Attitudes in You and Your Kids" by Turansky and Miller, and I've read about 6 chapters of Fannie Flagg's "Under the Rainbow." I can heartily recommend any or all of the above.
Hashing my way through Bob Greene's "Get with the Program", again. I wish he'd just come live with me for six months.
Just finished giving up on Pilgrim's Progress. I tried--TRIED--to get through it, and there were certainly powerful parts, but ohmygosh....
So I'm on to Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. The one you're reading sounds interesting. Let us know if it turns out to be worth adding to our reading lists!
I like you used to read all the time...but after the kids well there just isn't enough time for that and everything else too.
I do enjoy a good romance novel and love vampire fiction as well -- not that I get to read much anymore like I said.
I just read "A Rush of Wings" by Kristen Heitzmann. Wonderful!
I also just borrowed "Growing Strong Daughters" by Lisa Graham McMinn from a friend who claims it is amazing.
happy reading. that one looks/sounds great!
Poet, I LOVE the Arthur series by Lawhead. He does such a good job on it. I just finished "Not Even a Hint" by Joshua Harris, and am about to pick up "Phantom" by Terry Goodkind.
That book looks well worth a read. I'm writing it down. I too had let reading fall by the wayside but I am back in the saddle again this summer. Unfortunately not much to read. There is a new Terri Blackstock series I HIGHLY recommend, First one was LAST LIGHT, new one is NIGHT LIGHT. Talk about things that make you think. xoxo melzie
I love historical fiction. I will have to check that out. If you like WW2 fiction, you should read The Zion Chronicles by Brock & Bodie Thoene.
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