Can someone tell me how a tornado can literally come into your home and leave such chaos? Because that must be what happened here. No self-respecting person would allow their children to wreak this kind of havok. No parent of any intelligence or value would step over this on their way to the computer. I can't imagine any stay-at-home mom worth her salt would tolerate her home in such disarray.
Now - we know. All about you.
Whew. It's NOT just me.
Isn't "tollerant" a synonym to SAHM?
Oh my goodness... must fire that woman! hee hee... don't even go look in my room! :)
Whatcha complainin about? That looks clean to me! You can still see most of the floor.
Come back when it looks like MY house. (and NO you don't get a picture - it would cause dizziness, headache, migrane, and possible stroke)
Hmmm, I wonder if the memory stick to my camera might be under there somewhere? Have I been to your house? Oh, probably somewhere here, under my pile.
Okay, who said you could come take a picture of my house? What? It's not my house? Oh, wait, I see... it can't be my house. Too much empty floor space. I lost my floor a long time ago.
Feelin' your pain...
Well, with all the crazy weather around here, I'm sure that it was a tornado (albeit a really CUTE, little tornado).
My husband cannot stand coming home to the mess that is markers, backpacks, shoes strewn all over the floor.
I tell him the house is immaculate all day long until 3 pm.
Hey you can see the floor. When there is no more floor...that is when I clean@!
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