Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Unintentional Vacation

Where have I been, you ask?

In the course of two weeks, I have survived a snow/icestorm of catastrophic proportions, been holed up in my house for five days without a running vehicle (due to the untimely death of my minivan), housed my brother for four days, three nights, two hours and fifty-seven minutes (another blog altogether), had two family members in the hospital, and endured a visit from the ever punctual and enduring Aunt Flo. You will have to ask around if you don't know Aunt Flo. Chances are, you know someone familiar with her monthly visits.

All of this together pales in comparison to the real trauma I have suffered. The icing on the cake. The straw that broke the camel's back.

My computer died.

Yes, you're all gasping in awe and admiration. How have I survived????!!!!! But after a couple of days of cold sweats and twitching, I realized I would probably be okay.

Luckily, I still have school, and there are computers aplenty here, so I have been able to somewhat reconnect with the outside world. Unfortunately, duty calls and I must study. But I shall return...


Kara said...

I've been wondering where you were! Wow, you've had a busy few weeks! I think I'd die if my computer broke, seriously. I'll be out of the country for a week, and I don't know how I'll survive without Internet that whole time.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about Aunt Flo until college. I was on a Mexico mission trip and one of the girls was saying her Aunt Flow was coming. I'm like all the way to Mexico?? I think she finally told me.


Finelly said...

I have been out of pocket too. Thankfully, I haven't missed much here.
Hope school is going well. I took the semester off myself.

LiteratureLover said...

HOW have you survived? It takes a brave woman to go so long without a computer. ;)

yerdoingitwrong said...

There are some items in life that I won't go very long without. A computer is one of them. A Tivo is another!! Unfortunately both are pretty pricey. Enjoy some chocolate in the meantime and Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

hope your computer gets fixed soon :)

Sarah said...

so sad! I'm glad all of your trauma is over, and I hope your computer gets fixed soon...

Shane H. said...

Whew! Thanks for the update. I've been checking in daily but just kept seeing the darling picture of your daughter blowing out those candles. I was geting worried! Here's to better luck in the days to come. Hang in there.

Francis Weiss said...

Thanks for aa great read