Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Twins Separated At Birth

Look closely. The monkey in the top picture is Curious George. You may know him from the beloved children's books and more recently the Curious George movie and the hit TV show on PBS. He is known for getting into trouble and looking adorable.

The eerily similar monkey in the above photo is my very own Baby. I am considering have her name legally changed to George. She loves climbing, bananas and is also known for getting into trouble and looking adorable.

Allow me to expound.

Today I put Baby down for a nap on my bed, which usually works out best if I am putting Sister down for a nap as they do share a room and mayhem and merriment ensue if I allow them to "nap" in the same room. I believe the term is "divide and conquer". So Sister in her room, Brother in his room and Baby in my room.

I had returned to the kitchen ready to relax and enjoy my newly-created kid-free zone when Brother comes in and tells me that Baby had a dirty diaper and had taken it off in my room.

Now, when I say "dirty", I am trying to be polite. A dirty diaper is not merely wet, but...well...how shall we say?...gloppy.

Did I mention my room is very light-colored?

I hurry to the bedroom to find Baby - aka "George" - standing diaperless on the light beige carpet with the aforementioned gloppy diaper lying on said carpet precariously close to the the white bedding and an open box of baby wipes attempting to change her own diaper.

I scanned the room quickly as I know monkeys are known for doing creative things with their...ahem...gloppiness. Fortunately my monkey is slightly tame and the mess was contained to the diaper and her person. A quick bath and wardrobe change later and Baby was napping comfortably in a glop-free diaper.

Where is the man in the yellow hat when you need him?


LiteratureLover said...

Where indeed! Love that little monkey.

Kyle said...

Clearly, he is a very wise man - the yellow hat choice aside - since there was a diaper to be changed and he was no where within calling distance.

Kelli said...

This brings back intense memories of when Jonathan was this age. I believe our solution to the "self changing" crisis was duct tape.

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

I have a similar memory of my oldest "curious monkey" when she was almost 2. Fortunately, the incident was confined to her crib & I found her before too much damage was done. God bless the creator of footie jammies - much more difficult to access that diaper!

Jackie said...

OMG! We have the same child in different bodies!! I just know it!
I stumbled across your blog tonight...looks like a daily read to me, especially since our daughters seem very similar.