When you ask them to put away their shoes and put on their pajamas they dissolve into tears and shriek, "WHY DO YOU MAKE ME WORK LIKE CINDERELLA?????!!!!!!"
In the event this happens to you, you will know, without a doubt, that said child has been pushed past the appropriate limit for being awake and you should drop kick, (ahem), I mean, deposit them as quickly as possible in the nearest sleeping recepticle.
We have a couple of Cinderella's here AND I find much delight in being the wicked momma. Don't even need a step.
I think I'd fall down laughing if my kids said that!!!
I love it when my son (more than my daughter) insists that he is not our slave - every Saturday when we do laundry.
How did you keep a straight face while you were drop kicking? That is hilarious.
LOL--so sounds like my DRAMATIC little girl
"What am I some kind of robot that does what ever you say?" Came the response from my bright but misguided son.
"Of course you are not a robot silly, if you were, I wouldn't have given you the ability to talk back...now go to bed" said his sometimes bright and often misquided dad!
Boy, have I been there..too many times.
hehe. I love it. I just know if I have a girl she'll be a TOTAL drama queen. Just like mama. ;)
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